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NgMask is a jQueryMaskPlugin Adapter for Angular.


NgMask is a jQueryMaskPlugin Adapter for Angular.



  1. Install ng-mask using npm:
npm install @fagnerlima/ng-mask
  1. Import NgMaskModule into Module class:
// ...
import { NgMaskModule } from '@fagnerlima/ng-mask';

  imports: [
    // ...
  // ...
export class AppModule { }
  1. Insert the directive in form inputs with ngControl (ex. ngModel or formControlName):
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

import { Mask } from '@fagnerlima/ng-mask';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `

    <input type="text" [(ngModel)]="money" [mask]="maskMoney" />
export class AppComponent {

  // Masks
  readonly maskCep: string = 'brCep';
  readonly maskCoordinateLat: string = 'coordinateLat';
  readonly maskCoordinateLong: string = 'coordinateLong';
  readonly maskCpf: Mask = new Mask('000.000.000-00');
  readonly maskDecimal: string = 'decimal(10,2)';
  readonly maskInteger: string = 'integer(6)';
  readonly maskMoney: string = '#0.00?reverse=true';
  readonly maskPhone: string = '(00) 00000-0000';

  // Controls
  money: string;

Mask Types

Mask Object

Instance of Mask class.

import { Mask } from '@fagnerlima/ng-mask';

const dateMask: Mask = new Mask('00/00/0000');
const percentMask: Mask = new Mask('##0,00%', { reverse: true })

Default Mask

String that represents pattern attribute of Mask class, using default jokers of jQueryMaskPlugin, without extra options.

const dateMask: string = '00/00/0000';
Patterns jQueryMaskPlugin’s Default Configuration
0 { pattern: /\d/ }
9 { pattern: /\d/, optional: true }
# { pattern: /\d/, recursive: true }
A { pattern: /[a-zA-Z0-9/ }
S { pattern: /[a-zA-Z]/ }

QueryString Mask

String in the QueryString format that contains the pattern and extra options of Mask class.

const percentMask: string = '##0,00%?reverse=true&placeholder=000,00%';
Supported Extra Options

Predefined Type Mask

String that contains a predefined type.

const coordinateLatMask: string = 'coordinateLat';
const coordinateLongMask: string = 'coordinateLong';
Predefined Types Pattern Example
brCelular new Mask(‘(00) 00009-0000’) (11) 95683-1298
brCep new Mask(‘00000-000’) 58035-110
brCnpj new Mask(‘00.000.000/0000-00’) 13.456.131/0000-12
brCpf new Mask(‘000.000.000-00’) 034.465.789-13
brData new Mask(‘00/00/0000’) 15/10/2016
brMoeda new Mask(‘#.##0,00’, { reverse: true }) 2.199,99
brTelefone new Mask(‘(00) 0000-0000’) (83) 3638-8973
usPhone new Mask(‘(000) 000-0000’) (581) 555-5895
coordinateLat new Mask(‘000º00.0000\’~’, { translation: { ‘~’: { pattern: /[N|S]/ } } }) 123º54.7894’N
coordinateLong new Mask(‘000º00.0000\’~’, { translation: { ‘~’: { pattern: /[E|W]/ } } }) 354º79.6452’E
date new Mask(‘00/00/0000’) 01/31/2017
dateTime new Mask(‘00/00/0000 00:00:00’) 05/18/2017 08:30:00
time new Mask(‘00:00:00’) 19:15:00

Numeric Mask

String that contains a numeric type with your precision (and scale for decimal type), similar to many databases.

const integerMask: string = 'integer(6)';
const decimalMask: string = 'decimal(10,2)';
Numeric Types Examples
integer integer(6)
decimal decimal(5,2)